Class Canandcolor
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Operations that receive data from the device (proximity, color, faults, temperature) generally do not block. The object receives data asynchronously from the CAN packet receive thread and reads thus return the last data received.
Operations that set settings or change offsets will generally wait for up to 20ms by default as they will usually wait for a confirmation packet to be received in response -- unless the blocking timeout is set to zero, in which case the operations will not block.
Example code:
Canandcolor canandcolor = new Canandcolor(0); // device id 0
// Reading the Canandcolor
// returns a proximity value [0..1] inclusive. Values increase as objects move away from
// the sensor in an approximately linear relationship.
// these are all also bounded [0..1] inclusive.
// you can also get a compound ColorData object with getColor
// this will also have red/green/blue and hue/sat/value getters,
// and is most relevant if used with frames
ColorData colorData = canandcolor.getColor();
// read digout channels over CAN
// see the DigoutChannel class docs for more detailed information on how these work
// and how to configure them.
canandcolor.digout1().getValue(); // regular value
canandcolor.digout1().getStickyValue(); // sticky value
canandcolor.getDigoutState(); // full digout state as a DigoutState object
// Changing configuration
CanandcolorSettings settings = new CanandcolorSettings();
// set the proximity frame period to be sent every 10 ms
// set the color frame period to be sent every 10 ms (instead of the default)
// set the color sensor integration to happen over 100 milliseconds
canandcolor.setSettings(settings, 0.020); // apply the new settings to the device, with maximum
// 20 ms timeout per settings op
// Faults
canandcolor.clearStickyFaults(); // clears all sticky faults (including the power cycle flag).
// This call does not block.
// The power cycle flag will always be true on boot until the sticky faults have been cleared,
// so if this is true the device has rebooted sometime between clearStickyFaults and now.
CanandcolorFaults faults = canandcolor.getStickyFaults(); // fetches faults
System.out.printf("Canandcolor rebooted: %b\n", faults.powerCycle());
// Timestamped data
// gets current proximity + timestamp together
FrameData<Double> distFrame = canandcolor.getProximityFrame().getFrameData();
distFrame.getValue(); // fetched proximity value
distFrame.getTimestamp(); // timestamp of the proximity reading
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final ColorFrame
internal Frame variable holding current color stateprotected final LongFrame<DigoutSlotState>
internal Frame variable holding current digital output stateprotected final DoubleFrame<Double>
internal Frame variable holding current proximity stateprotected final LongFrame<CanandcolorStatus>
internal Frame variable holding current status value stateFields inherited from class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Clears all sticky digout flags, as readable byDigoutSlotState.getStickyDigoutValue(DigoutChannel.Index)
Clears sticky faults.digout1()
Returns the first digout channel.digout2()
Returns the second digout channel.Returns an object representing currently active faults.Returns theCanandAddress
representing the combination of CAN bus and CAN device ID that this CanandDevice refers to.double
Blue intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.getColor()
Returns a ColorData object which can also convert to the HSV colorspace.Returns the color reading frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.Returns the digital output state frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.Returns a DigoutSlotState object representing the current state of the digital outputs as reported over CAN.double
Blue intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.double
HSV colorspace hue, normalized [0 inclusive ..1.0 exclusive)double
HSV colorspace saturation, normalized [0..1] inclusive.double
HSV colorspace value, normalized [0..1] inclusive.Returns theCanandSettingsManager
associated with this device.Returns the minimum firmware version this vendordep requires for this device.double
Gets the currently sensed proximity normalized between [0..1] inclusive.Returns the proximity reading frame.double
Red intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.Fetches the Canandcolor's current configuration in a blocking manner.getSettings
(double timeout) Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner.getSettings
(double timeout, double missingTimeout, int attempts) Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner, with control over failure handling.Non-blockingly returns aCanandcolorSettings
object of the most recent known settings values received from the device.Returns the current status frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.Returns sticky faults.double
Get onboard device temperature readings in degrees Celsius.void
A callback called when a Redux CAN message is received and should be parsed.Resets the device to factory defaults, waiting up to 350 ms to confirm the settings changes.resetFactoryDefaults
(double timeout) Resets the Canandcolor to factory defaults.void
(double brightness) Sets the brightness of the onboard lamp LED.void
(int level) Controls "party mode" -- an device identification tool that blinks the onboard LED various colors if level != 0.boolean
(CanandcolorSettings settings) Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device.boolean
(CanandcolorSettings settings, double timeout) Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device.setSettings
(CanandcolorSettings settings, double timeout, int attempts) Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device, with fine grained control over failure-handling.void
Tells the Canandcolor to begin transmitting its settings; once they are all transmitted (after ~200-300ms), the values can be retrieved fromgetSettingsAsync()
Methods inherited from class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
checkReceivedFirmwareVersion, close, getFirmwareVersion, isConnected, isConnected, preHandleMessage, sendCANMessage, sendCANMessage, toString
Field Details
internal Frame variable holding current proximity state -
internal Frame variable holding current color state -
internal Frame variable holding current digital output state -
internal Frame variable holding current status value state
Constructor Details
public Canandcolor(int canID) Instantiates a new Canandcolor object. This object will be constant with respect to whatever CAN id assigned to it, so if a device changes id it may change which device this object reads from.- Parameters:
- the device id to use [0..63]
Method Details
public double getProximity()Gets the currently sensed proximity normalized between [0..1] inclusive.The value decreases as an object gets closer to the sensor.
Note that proximity is not given a unit as different materials and sensor configurations can greatly vary how the proximity value translates to actual real-world units. It is generally presumed that users will have to finetune specific thresholds for applications anyway and units may not be meaningful or accurate.
- Returns:
- proximity value (range [0..1] inclusive)
public double getRed()Red intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.- Returns:
- red intensity [0..1]
public double getGreen()Blue intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.- Returns:
- green intensity [0..1]
public double getBlue()Blue intensity, normalized [0..1] inclusive where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.- Returns:
- blue intensity [0..1]
public double getHSVHue()HSV colorspace hue, normalized [0 inclusive ..1.0 exclusive)This can be used to more accurately determine the color of a sensed object.
- Returns:
- hue [0..1)
public double getHSVSaturation()HSV colorspace saturation, normalized [0..1] inclusive.- Returns:
- saturation [0..1]
public double getHSVValue()HSV colorspace value, normalized [0..1] inclusive.This is the maximum value out of the red/green/blue values.
- Returns:
- value [0..1]
Returns a ColorData object which can also convert to the HSV colorspace.- Returns:
- color object
- See Also:
Returns a DigoutSlotState object representing the current state of the digital outputs as reported over CAN.- Returns:
- digital output state object
Returns sticky faults. Sticky faults are the active faults, except once set they do not become unset untilclearStickyFaults()
is called.- Returns:
of the sticky faults.- See Also:
Returns an object representing currently active faults. Active faults are only active for as long as the error state exists.- Returns:
of the active faults- See Also:
public void clearStickyFaults()Clears sticky faults.It is recommended to clear this during initialization, so one can check if the device loses power during operation later.
This call does not block, so it may take up to the next status frame (default every 1000 ms) for the sticky faults to be updated. To check for validity, use
for faults returned bygetStickyFaults()
public double getTemperature()Get onboard device temperature readings in degrees Celsius. This temperature is not particularly accurate or precise, but is meant as a rough approximation.- Returns:
- temperature in degrees Celsius
public void setPartyMode(int level) Controls "party mode" -- an device identification tool that blinks the onboard LED various colors if level != 0. This function does not block.- Parameters:
- the party level value to set.
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner, with control over failure handling.This method works by requesting the device first send back all settings, and then waiting for up to a specified timeout for all settings to be received by the robot controller. If the timeout is zero, this step is skipped.
If there are settings that were not received by the timeout, then this function will attempt to individually fetched each setting for up to a specified number of attempts. If the fresh argument is true and the timeout argument is 0, then only this latter step runs, which can be used to only fetch settings that are missing from the known settings cache returned by
.The resulting set of known (received) settings is then returned, complete or not.
This function blocks, so it is best to put this in init routines rather than a main loop.
Canandcolor color = new Canandcolor(0); // Typical usage // fetch all settings with a timeout of 320 ms, and retry missing values 3 times CanandcolorSettings stg = color.getSettings(0.350, 0.02, 3); // Advanced usage color.startFetchSettings(); // send a "fetch settings command" // wait some amount of time stg = color.getSettingsAsync(); stg.allSettingsReceived(); // may or may not be true stg = color.getSettings(0, 0.02, 3); // only fetch the missing settings stg.allSettingsReceived(); // far more likely to be true
Note that this function may return incomplete settings! Use
to verify all settings were received.- Parameters:
- maximum number of seconds to wait for settings before giving up.missingTimeout
- maximum number of seconds to wait for each settings retry before giving up.attempts
- number of attempts to try and fetch values missing from the first pass- Returns:
representing the device's configuration
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner. This function will block for up to the specified number of seconds waiting for the device to reply, so it is best to put this in a teleop or autonomous init function, rather than the main loop.If settings time out, it will retry each missing setting once with a 20ms timeout, and if they still fail, a partial Settings will still be returned.
Note that this function may return incomplete settings! Use
to verify all settings were received.- Parameters:
- maximum number of seconds to wait for settings before giving up- Returns:
representing the device's configuration
Fetches the Canandcolor's current configuration in a blocking manner. This function will block for up to 0.350 seconds waiting for the device to reply, so it is best to put this in an init function rather than the main loop.Note that this function may return incomplete settings! Use
to verify all settings were received.- Returns:
representing the device's configuration
public void setLampLEDBrightness(double brightness) Sets the brightness of the onboard lamp LED.This value does not persist on device reboot! Use
to set this persistently.The LED can also be physically turned off regardless of setting with the onboard switch.
By factory default this setting is set to max brightness (1.0)- Parameters:
- scaled brightness from 0.0 (off) to 1.0 (max brightness)
public void startFetchSettings()Tells the Canandcolor to begin transmitting its settings; once they are all transmitted (after ~200-300ms), the values can be retrieved fromgetSettingsAsync()
Non-blockingly returns aCanandcolorSettings
object of the most recent known settings values received from the device.Most users will probably want to use
One can call this after agetSettings()
call, and useCanandSettings.allSettingsReceived()
to check if/when all values have been seen. As an example:// somewhere in an init function Canandcolor canandcolor = new Canandcolor(0); canandcolor.startFetchSettings(); // ... // somewhere in a loop function if (canandcolor.getSettingsAsync().allSettingsReceived()) { // do something with the settings object System.out.printf("Canandcolor lamp brightness: %f\n", canandcolor.getSettingsAsync().getLampLEDBrightness().get()); }
If this is called aftersetSettings(CanandcolorSettings)
, this method will return a settings object where only the fields where the device has echoed the new values back will be populated. To illustrate this, consider the following:// somewhere in initialization (just as a definition): Canandcolor canandcolor = new Canandcolor(0); // somewhere in a loop canandcolor.setSettings(new CanandcolorSettings().setProximityFramePeriod(0.100)); // will likely return Optional.empty(), as the device hasn't confirmed the previous transaction canandcolor.getSettingsAsync().getProximityFramePeriod(); // after up to ~300 ms... canandcolor.getSettingsAsync().getProximityFramePeriod(); // will likely return 0.1 seconds
- Returns:
- CanandcolorSettings object of known settings
- See Also:
Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device, with fine grained control over failure-handling. This overload allows specifiyng the number of retries per setting as well as the confirmation timeout. Additionally, it returns aCanandcolorSettings
object of settings that were not able to be successfully applied.- Parameters:
- theCanandcolorSettings
to update the encoder withtimeout
- maximum time in seconds to wait for each setting to be confirmed. Set to 0 to not check (and not block).attempts
- the maximum number of attempts to write each individual setting- Returns:
- a CanandcolorSettings object of unsuccessfully set settings.
- See Also:
Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device. For more information, see theCanandcolorSettings
class documentation.- Parameters:
- theCanandcolorSettings
to update the device withtimeout
- maximum time in seconds to wait for each setting to be confirmed. Set to 0 to not check (and not block).- Returns:
- true if successful, false if a setting operation timed out
- See Also:
Applies the settings from aCanandcolorSettings
object to the device. For more information, see theCanandcolorSettings
class documentation.- Parameters:
- theCanandcolorSettings
to update the device with- Returns:
- true if successful, false if a setting operation timed out
- See Also:
public void clearStickyDigoutFlags()Clears all sticky digout flags, as readable byDigoutSlotState.getStickyDigoutValue(DigoutChannel.Index)
Resets the Canandcolor to factory defaults.- Parameters:
- how long to wait for the new settings to be confirmed by the device in seconds (suggested at least 0.35 seconds)- Returns:
object of received settings. UseCanandSettings.allSettingsReceived()
to verify success.
Resets the device to factory defaults, waiting up to 350 ms to confirm the settings changes.- Returns:
object of received settings. UseCanandSettings.allSettingsReceived()
to verify success.
Returns the first digout channel.- Returns:
- digout channel 1
Returns the second digout channel.- Returns:
- digout channel 2
Returns the proximity reading frame.- Returns:
- the proximity reading frame, which will hold the current proximity reading.
- See Also:
Returns the color reading frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.- Returns:
- the color reading frame, which will hold timestamped color readings
- See Also:
Returns the digital output state frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.- Returns:
- the digital output state frame
Returns the current status frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.FrameData
objects are immutable.- Returns:
- the current status frame, as a
Returns theCanandSettingsManager
associated with this device. TheCanandSettingsManager
is an internal helper object. Teams are typically not expected to use it except for advanced cases (e.g. custom settings wrappers)- Returns:
- internal settings manager handle
Description copied from class:CanandDevice
A callback called when a Redux CAN message is received and should be parsed. Subclasses ofCanandDevice
should override this to update their internal state accordingly.handleMessage will be called on all Redux CAN packets received by the vendordep that match the
returned byCanandDevice.getAddress()
.- Specified by:
in classCanandDevice
- Parameters:
- aCanandMessage
representing the received message.
Description copied from class:CanandDevice
Returns theCanandAddress
representing the combination of CAN bus and CAN device ID that this CanandDevice refers to.Implementing device subclasses should likely construct a new
in their constructor and return it here.- Specified by:
in classCanandDevice
- Returns:
- the
for the device.
Description copied from class:CanandDevice
Returns the minimum firmware version this vendordep requires for this device. User-implmenting classes can return null to disable firmware checks.- Overrides:
in classCanandDevice
- Returns:
- minimum firmware version