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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


absPosition - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
internal Frame variable holding current absolute position state
activeFaults() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Returns the value of the activeFaults record component.
activeFaults() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns the value of the activeFaults record component.
addCallback(Frame.FrameCallback<T>) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Add a callback that will be run whenever this Frame gets updated.
addListener(CanandDevice) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Adds a listener for CAN messages to the event loop.
allSettingsReceived() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Returns whether or not all settings fields have been written into the object.


blue() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns the value of the blue record component.
bsToLong(BitSet) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Shorthand for BitSet.toLongArray()[0], except zero length bitsets return 0.
byDescriptor(byte) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CANBus
Returns a CANBus object corresponding to a specific bus descriptor value.
ByteArrayFrame<T> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Implements an object-holding Frame backed by a byte array.
ByteArrayFrame(int, double, T, ByteArrayFrame.ByteArrayToType<T>) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
Instantiates a new DoubleFrame.
ByteArrayFrame.ByteArrayToType<T> - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Functional interface for a function mapping a double data value to the final frame type.
bytesToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Convert bytes to long without allocating new bytebuffers.


callback(FrameData<FC>) - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame.FrameCallback
The callback called.
CanandAddress - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Class representing the exact combination of CAN bus, product IDs, and device IDs that uniquely correspond to a Redux CAN device on a robot.
CanandAddress(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Constructor with implicit Rio CAN bus.
CanandAddress(CANBus, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Constructor with explicit CAN bus.
Canandcolor - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Class for the CAN interface of the Canandcolor.
Canandcolor(int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Instantiates a new Canandcolor object.
Canandcolor.ColorData - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Record class to hold detected color values.
Canandcolor.ColorPeriod - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Enum representing the internal configuration of the Canandcolor's color IC.
Canandcolor.DataSource - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Data sources that digout slots can use to perform comparisons or output data directly as a duty cycle.
Canandcolor.Digout - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Enum representing the digital output pads on the Canandcolor.
Canandcolor.Faults - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
A class to hold device faults for the Canandcolor, as returned by Canandcolor.getStickyFaults() and Canandcolor.getActiveFaults().
Canandcolor.Settings - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
The settings class for the Canandcolor.
Canandcolor.Status - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Container record class representing a Canandcolor's status.
CanandcolorDetails - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Contains all the constants used by the Canandcolor and related classes (as to not pollute their public namespaces)
CanandcolorProximityConfig - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Class representing the internal configuration of the Canandcolor's proximity IC.
CanandcolorProximityConfig() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Initializes a new proximity config with the default recommended values.
CanandcolorProximityConfig(int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Initializes the config with a long as returned by a report settings CAN message (used internally).
CanandcolorProximityConfig(CanandcolorProximityConfig) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Initializes the config with the values from another CanandcolorProximityConfig object (copy constructor).
CanandcolorProximityConfig(CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod, CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod, CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent, CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Initializes the config setting every possible field at once.
CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Represents the valid integration periods for the proximity sensor.
CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Determines how much current gets dumped into the IR LED and thus its intensity.
CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Determines how many IR LED pulses get sent out during proximity reads.
CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Represents the valid sampling periods for the proximity sensor.
CanandDevice - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Base class for Redux CAN devices.
CanandDevice() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Default constructor that just adds the device to the incoming CAN message listener.
CanandDeviceDetails - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Contains all the constants used by CanandDevice and are generally common to all Redux devices.
CanandEventLoop - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Class that runs the CAN packet ingest loop, and starts the CANLink interface.
CanandFirmwareVersion - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Represents a firmware version associated with a Redux product.
CanandFirmwareVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Creates an instance of a CanandFirmwareVersion record class.
CanandFirmwareVersion(long) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns a new CanandFirmwareVersion generated from setting data.
Canandmag - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
Class for the CAN interface of the Canandmag.
Canandmag(int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Instantiates a new Canandmag object.
Canandmag.Faults - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
A class to hold device faults for the Canandmag.
Canandmag.Settings - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
The settings class for the Canandmag.
Canandmag.Status - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
Container record class representing a Canandmag's status.
CanandmagDetails - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
Contains all the constants used by the Canandmag and related classes (as to not pollute their public namespaces)
CanandMessage - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Class that represents a CAN message received from the Redux CanandEventLoop This class is generally (re)initialized by CanandMessage.updateFromByteBuf(java.nio.ByteBuffer) with a ByteBuffer from the JNI via CanandEventLoop.
CanandMessage() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Construct a new CanandMessage from nothing (to be filled in later.)
CanandMessage(CanandMessage) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Copy constructor
CanandSettings - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Base (simple) settings class for Redux devices.
CanandSettings() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Default constructor.
CanandSettings(CanandSettings) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Clone constructor.
CanandSettingsManager<T extends CanandSettings> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Common logic for settings management for CanandDevices.
CanandSettingsManager(CanandDevice, CanandSettingsManager.CanandSettingsCtor<T>) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Construct a new CanandSettingsManager.
CanandSettingsManager.CanandSettingsCtor<T extends CanandSettings> - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Functional interface for a CanandSettings constructor.
CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Setting result codes.
CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Record of setting results.
CanandUtils - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Series of utility functions for CAN messaging and bit manipulation.
CanandUtils() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
CANBus - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Class representing CAN buses that may exist on a robot.
canGeneralError() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the CAN general error flag, which will raise if the device cannot RX packets reliably.
canGeneralError() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the CAN general error flag, which will raise if the encoder cannot RX packets reliably.
canIDConflict() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the CAN ID conflict flag, which is set to true if there is a CAN id conflict.
canIDConflict() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the CAN ID conflict flag, which is set to true if there is a CAN id conflict.
checkBounds(String, double, int, int, double) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Check bounds for an input double that is mapped to some integer type underneath.
checkReceivedFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Checks the received firmware version.
clauseAction() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the clauseAction record component.
clauseAction() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns the value of the clauseAction record component.
clauseAction() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Returns the value of the clauseAction record component.
clauseAction() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Returns the value of the clauseAction record component.
ClauseAction - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Enum specifying clause behavior for a digout slot.
clearAllDigoutSlots(Canandcolor.Digout) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Clears all configured "slots" on the specified digital output.
clearData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
Flag that this frame's data is not valid.
clearData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
Flag that this frame's data is not valid.
clearData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
Flag that this frame's data is not valid.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Clears sticky faults.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Clears sticky faults.
close() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
color - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
internal Frame variable holding current color state
ColorData(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Creates an instance of a ColorData record class.
com.reduxrobotics.canand - package com.reduxrobotics.canand
Package holding base and utility classes for all CAN-based Redux Robotics devices
com.reduxrobotics.frames - package com.reduxrobotics.frames
Package holding base and utility classes for device data frames
com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor - package com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor
Package that holds all classes relating to the Canandcolor proximity/color sensor
com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout - package com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Package that holds all classes relating to configuring the Canandcolor's digital output logic slots.
com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag - package com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag
Package that holds all classes relating to the Canandmag
comparator() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the comparator record component.
comparator() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns the value of the comparator record component.
CompareAffine(Canandcolor.DataSource, SlotComparison, Canandcolor.DataSource) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Simplified constructor assuming no affine transformation, so just directly comparing data sources against each other.
CompareAffine(Canandcolor.DataSource, SlotComparison, Canandcolor.DataSource, double, double) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Simplified constructor assuming no inversion or clause joining.
CompareAffine(Canandcolor.DataSource, SlotComparison, Canandcolor.DataSource, double, double, ClauseAction, boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Primary constructor.
CompareImmidiate(Canandcolor.DataSource, SlotComparison, double) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Simplified constructor.
CompareImmidiate(Canandcolor.DataSource, SlotComparison, double, ClauseAction, boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Primary constructor.
compareTo(CanandFirmwareVersion) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
confirmSetSetting(byte, long, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Potentially blocking operation to send a setting and wait for a report setting message to be received to confirm the operation.
construct() - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.CanandSettingsCtor
Constructor function.
constructMessageId(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Construct a CAN message id to send to a Redux device.
convert(byte[]) - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame.ByteArrayToType
Converison function from byte[] to the type parameter.
convert(double) - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame.DoubleToType
Converison function from double to the type parameter.
convert(long) - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame.LongToType
Converison function from long to the type parameter.
CooldownWarning - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Class that yells at the user if CooldownWarning.feed() is called too often in too short a succession.
CooldownWarning(String, double, int) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CooldownWarning


dataSource() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
Returns the value of the dataSource record component.
dataValid() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
Returns if this frame has data.
digout - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
internal Frame variable holding current digital output state
DigoutMode - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Interface that holds the output configuration for a digital output pad (digout) Digout pins can be set into one of three modes: disabled (via DigoutMode.Disabled) outputting high or low depending on the values of digout slots that combine to form a boolean expression (via DigoutMode.DigoutSlot -- for more information, see DigoutMode.DigoutSlot) a duty cycle (PWM) output of values from either the color or proximity sensor.
DigoutMode.DigoutSlot - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A config that sets the digital output to use digout slot logic.
DigoutMode.Disabled - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A config that disables any output on the digital output.
DigoutMode.DutyCycle - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A config that sets the digital output to output a duty cycle or PWM signal.
DigoutSlot - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Represents a digout "slot" which helps determine the digital output's value.
DigoutSlot() - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Constructor assuming normally open (the generally most useful behavior)
DigoutSlot(boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Creates an instance of a DigoutSlot record class.
DigoutSlot.CompareAffine - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A DigoutSlot that compares two data sources against each other, while scaling and offsetting the first data slot's value.
DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A DigoutSlot that compares a data source against a constant value.
DigoutSlot.Disabled - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A disabled and unconfigured DigoutSlot.
DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A DigoutSlot that is true if the preceding clause has been true for at least a certain period of time.
DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor - Record Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
A DigoutSlot that is true if the previous lower-indexed slot has been true for at least a certain period of time.
DigoutSlotState - Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Class representing the state of the Canandcolor digout slots.
DigoutSlotState() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlotState
Instatiate with blank (all zeros) digout state.
DigoutSlotState(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlotState
Constructor -- used by the Canandcolor class to populate this object.
Disabled() - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.Disabled
Creates an instance of a Disabled record class.
Disabled() - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.Disabled
Creates an instance of a Disabled record class.
DoubleFrame<T> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Implements an object-holding Frame backed by a double.
DoubleFrame(double, double, T, DoubleFrame.DoubleToType<T>) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
Instantiates a new DoubleFrame.
DoubleFrame.DoubleToType<T> - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Functional interface for a function mapping a double data value to the final frame type.
DRIVER_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Supported driver major version
DRIVER_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Supported driver minor version
DRIVER_YEAR - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Supported driver year
DutyCycle(Canandcolor.DataSource) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
Creates an instance of a DutyCycle record class.


encodeSlot(ClauseAction, boolean, SlotOpcode, int, int) - Static method in interface com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot
Encodes a slot that can be written in a set settings packet.
ephemeral - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Whether the settings will be applied ephemerally.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CANBus
Returns whether two CANBus objects refer to the same bus.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.Disabled
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.Disabled
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
extractFloat(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts a float from a byte array.
extractLong(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
More scope-limited long-extracting helper that only works on up to 8-length byte arrays.
extractLong(BitSet, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts a long from a BitSet, optionally sign-extending the output.


Faults(byte) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Constructor for the CanandmagFaults object.
Faults(byte, boolean) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Constructor for the Canandcolor.Faults object.
Faults(byte, boolean) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Constructor for the CanandmagFaults object.
faultsValid() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Flag if any faults data has been received at all from the device.
faultsValid() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Flag if any faults data has been received at all from the device.
feed() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CooldownWarning
Feed the CooldownError.
fetchMissingSettings(double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Attempt to fill out the known settings with the set of settings it is missing.
fetchSetting(byte, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Fetches a setting from the device and returns the received result.
fetchSettingsAddresses() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Gets the list of settings addresses this settings class records.
fetchSettingsAddresses() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
fetchSettingsAddresses() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
forceLoad() - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Force load the library.
Frame<T> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Class representing periodic timestamped data received from CAN or other sources.
Frame(double) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Constructs a new Frame object.
Frame.FrameCallback<FC> - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Functional interface for Frame callbacks.
FrameData<T> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Immutable container class for timestamped values.
FrameData(T, double) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.frames.FrameData
Constructs a new FrameData object.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
Return the appropirate enum from the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Returns a corresponding color config from the index.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Fetches the enum associated with the index value.
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
Returns a corresponding opcode from the given index.
fromSettingData(long) - Static method in interface com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode
Unserializes the digout config from setting data to an object.
fromSettingData(long) - Static method in interface com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot
Deserializes a 48-bit setting value into a DigoutSlot object.


getAbsPosition() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Gets the current absolute position of the encoder, scaled from 0 inclusive to 1 exclusive.
getAbsPositionFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the current absolute position frame.
getActiveFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns an object representing currently active faults.
getActiveFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns an object representing currently active faults.
getAddress() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Returns the CanandAddress representing the combination of CAN bus and CAN device ID that this CanandDevice refers to.
getAddress() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
getAddress() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
getApiIndex() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the 5-bit CAN API index.
getApiIndex(int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts the 5-bit API index from a full message id.
getBlue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Blue intensity, normalized [0 inclusive..1 exclusive) where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.
getBool(byte) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Gets a boolean from the internal Map if it exists and return true, false, or null
getBus() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets an object representing the CAN bus that received the message
getColor() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns a Canandcolor.ColorData object which can also convert to the HSV colorspace
getColorConfig() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the device's sampling/integration period for the color sensor, if set.
getColorFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns the color reading frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.
getColorFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the color frame period in seconds [0..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the CAN message payload (up to 8 bytes).
getData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
Gets the underlying byte array data.
getData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
Gets the underlying double data.
getData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
Gets the underlying long data.
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CANBus
Returns the descriptor ID associated with the CAN bus object.
getDeviceId() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Returns the user-settable device ID.
getDeviceId() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the 6-bit CAN Device id.
getDeviceId(int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts 6-bit device id from a full message id This is the "CAN id" that end users will see and care about.
getDeviceType() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Returns the 5-bit device type.
getDeviceType() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the 5-bit device type code Product ID/ device type combinations will be unique to a Redux product.
getDeviceType(int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts 5-bit device type code from a full message id
getDigoutConditionSlotValue(Canandcolor.Digout, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlotState
Gets the boolean value of a specific digout slot contributing to a digital output.
getDigoutFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns the digital output state frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.
getDigoutFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the digout status frame period in seconds [0..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getDigoutOutputMode(Canandcolor.Digout) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the output mode configuration of a digital output pad.
getDigoutSlot(Canandcolor.Digout, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Fetches a digout slot's configuration with a default 50 ms timeout.
getDigoutSlot(Canandcolor.Digout, int, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Fetches a digout slot's configuration.
getDigoutState() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns a DigoutSlotState object representing the current state of the digital outputs.
getDigoutValue(Canandcolor.Digout) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlotState
Gets the output value of either digital output, which corresponds to what the Canandcolor is outputting on those pads (assuming digout slot mode rather than duty cycle) Note that this ignores normally open/normally connected, so even if the board output is high electrically, the digital output state may be false.
getDisableZeroButton() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets whether or not the sensor should disallow zeroing and factory resets from the onboard button (0 for allow, 1 for disallow, -1 for unset).
getExtractOnStaticLoad() - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI.Helper
Internal use method
getField() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the internal integer representation of the proximity config which gets written over the wire to the device.
getFilteredMap() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Return a direct filtered view of settings values as a new Map, limited to only valid settings.
getFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Returns the firmware version received by the device.
getFrameData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Returns an immutable FrameData<T> class containing both value and timestamp.
getFramePeriodLatencyAdjustment() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets whether or not to transmit frame periods early if data has just been received.
getGreen() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Green intensity, normalized [0 inclusive..1 exclusive) where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.
getHighGainMode() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns whether or not high gain mode is enabled or not.
getId() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the full 29-bit CAN message id.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
Return associated index (unsigned for values >= 0).
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Gets the corresponding index for the value in question.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Returns the associated index number for the enum (used in serialization)
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Fetches the index associated with the enum.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
Fetches the index associated with the enum.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Fetches the index associated with the enum.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Fetches the index associated with the enum.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Fetches the index associated with the enum.
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Returns the associated index number for the enum (used in serialization)
getIndex() - Method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
Gets the corresponding index for the value in question.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Returns a handle to the event loop.
getIntAsDouble(byte, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Gets an integer from the internal Map if it exists and return a scaled user value.
getIntegrationPeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the sensor integration period associated with this proximity config
getInternalSettingsManager() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the CanandSettingsManager associated with this device.
getInvertDirection() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets whether or not the encoder has an inverted direction (false for no, true for yes, null for unset).
getKnownSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Return a CanandSettings of known settings.
getLampLED() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets whether or not the onboard lamp LED setting is to be on.
getLampLEDBrightness() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the lamp LED's brightness, scaled from 0.0 (off) to 1.0 (max)
getLEDCurrent() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the sensor LED current associated with this proximity config
getLength() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the length of the CAN message's data in bytes.
getMap() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Directly access the underlying Map of settings values.
getMinimumFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Returns the minimum firmware version this vendordep requires for this device.
getMinimumFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
getMinimumFirmwareVersion() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
getMissingIndexes() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Generates a list of setting indexes missing from this object to be considered "complete".
getMultiPulse() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the sensor multi-pulse value associated with this proximity config
getOffsetCancellationValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the 12-bit offset that is subtracted from readings to compensate for ambient IR.
getPosition() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Gets the current integrated relative position in rotations.
getPositionFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the current relative position frame.
getPositionFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets the position frame period in seconds [0..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getProdId(int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Extracts 5-bit product id/API class from a full message id Instead of doing a 6bit/4bit split for api class/api index, we use an even 5 bit split.
getProductId() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Returns the 5-bit product ID section of the API index.
getProductId() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the 5-bit Product ID / API class.
getProximity() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Gets the currently sensed proximity normalized between [0..1] inclusive.
getProximityConfig() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets whether or not the onboard lamp LED setting is to be on.
getProximityFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns the proximity reading frame.
getProximityFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the proximity frame period in seconds [1..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getRed() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Red intensity, normalized [0 inclusive..1 exclusive) where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.
getRioBus() - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CANBus
Returns a CANBus object representing the roboRIO's onboard bus.
getSamplingPeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns the sampling period associated with this proximity config
getSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Fetches the Canandcolor's current configuration in a blocking manner.
getSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Fetches the Canandmag's current configuration in a blocking manner.
getSettings(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner.
getSettings(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner.
getSettings(double, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner.
getSettings(double, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner, with control over failure handling.
getSettings(double, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Fetches the device's current configuration in a blocking manner, with control over failure handling.
getSettingsAsync() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Non-blockingly returns a Canandcolor.Settings object of the most recent known settings values received from the device.
getSettingsAsync() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Non-blockingly returns a Canandmag.Settings object of the most recent known settings values received from the encoder.
getStatusFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns the current status frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.
getStatusFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the current status frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.
getStatusFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Gets the status frame period in seconds [1..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getStatusFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets the status frame period in seconds [1..65.535], or null if the value has not beeno set on this object.
getStickyFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Returns sticky faults.
getStickyFaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns sticky faults.
getSunlightCancellation() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Returns whether or not sunlight cancellation is enabled or not.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Get onboard device temperature readings in degrees Celsius.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Get onboard encoder temperature readings in degrees Celsius.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage
Gets the CAN message timestamp, in seconds.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Gets the timestamp in seconds of when this value was updated.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.FrameData
Gets the timestamp in seconds of when this value was updated.
getValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
getValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
getValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Returns the value of the data frame.
getValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.FrameData
Returns the value of the data frame.
getValue() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
getVelocity() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the measured velocity in rotations per second.
getVelocityFilterWidth() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets the velocity filter width in milliseconds [0.25..63.75], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getVelocityFrame() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns the current velocity frame, which includes CAN timestamp data.
getVelocityFramePeriod() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets the velocity frame period in seconds [0..65.535], or null if the value has not been set on this object.
getWhite() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
White intensity, normalized [0 inclusive..1 exclusive) where 0 is none and 1 is as bright as possible.
getZeroOffset() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Gets the zero offset of the encoder.
green() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns the value of the green record component.


handleMessage(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
A callback called when a Redux CAN message is received and should be parsed.
handleMessage(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
handleMessage(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
handleSetting(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
hardwareFault() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the hardware fault flag, which will raise if a hardware issue is detected.
hardwareFaultColor() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the color sensor hardware fault flag, which will raise if the color sensor is unreadable.
hardwareFaultProximity() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the proximity sensor hardware fault flag, which will raise if the proximity sensor is unreadable.
hasData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
Returns if this frame has data.
hasData() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
Returns if this frame has data.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.Disabled
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.Disabled
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns a hash code value for this object.
Helper() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI.Helper
hue() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns hue (0-1) in HSV colorspace.


idMatches(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Checks if a full CAN id will match against device type, product id, and device id We use this to determine if a message is intended for a specific device.
immidiate() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns the value of the immidiate record component.
init() - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Starts the Redux CANlink server -- not usually needed to be called manually.
INVALID - Static variable in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Invalid singleton.
invert() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the invert record component.
invert() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns the value of the invert record component.
invert() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Returns the value of the invert record component.
invert() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Returns the value of the invert record component.
isConnected() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Checks whether or not the device has sent a message within the last 2000 milliseconds.
isConnected(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Checks whether or not the device has sent a message within the last timeout seconds.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Returns if this CanandSettings has any set settings or not.
isValid() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Returns true if the result is valid.


k100us - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Uses a 100 microsecond period for IR pulse.
k10mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
10 milliamp LED current.
k10ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Sample the proximity sensor every 10 ms.
k1280ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 1280 ms.
k12mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
12 milliamp LED current.
k14mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
14 milliamp LED current.
k160ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 160 ms.
k16mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
16 milliamp LED current.
k18mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
18 milliamp LED current.
k1Pulse - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Use 1 pulse.
k200us - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Uses a 200 microsecond period for IR pulse.
k20mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
20 milliamp LED current.
k20ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Sample the proximity sensor every 20 ms.
k25us - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Uses a 25 microsecond period for IR pulse.
k2Pulse - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Use 2 pulses.
k320ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 320 ms.
k400us - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Uses a 400 microsecond period for IR pulse.
k40ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 40 ms.
k40ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Sample the proximity sensor every 40 ms.
k4Pulse - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Use 4 pulses.
k50us - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Uses a 50 microsecond period for IR pulse.
k640ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 640 ms.
k6mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
6 milliamp LED current.
k80ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Sample the color sensor every 80 ms.
k80ms - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Sample the proximity sensor every 80 ms.
k8mA - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
8 milliamp LED current.
k8Pulse - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Use 8 pulses.
kAndWithNextSlot - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Logical AND this slot's value with the next slot's value
kBlue - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Blue reading
kCountsPerRotation - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Conversion factor for number of position packet ticks per rotation.
kCountsPerRotationPerSecond - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Conversion factor from velocity packet ticks per second to rotations per second.
kDigout1 - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Digout
Enum representing the pad silkscreened as DIG1 on the Canandcolor.
kDigout2 - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Digout
Enum representing the pad silkscreened as DIG2 on the Canandcolor.
kEqAffine - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
equals affine
kEqImmidiate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
equals immidiate
kEquals - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
kError - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
General error
kFlag_Ephemeral - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Bit flag specifying this setting should be set ephemeral.,
kGeqAffine - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
greater than or equals affine
kGeqImmidiate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
greater than or equals immidiate
kGreaterThan - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Greater than
kGreaterThanOrEquals - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Greater than or equals
kGreen - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Green reading
kGtAffine - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
greater than affine
kGtImmidiate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
greater than immidiate
kHue - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Hue reading
kInvalid - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
General invalid data (a placeholder)
kLeqAffine - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
less than or equals affine
kLeqImmidiate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
less than or equals immidiate
kLessThan - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Less than
kLessThanOrEquals - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Less than or equals
kLtAffine - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
less than affine
kLtImmidiate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
less than immidiate
kMsg_ClearStickyFaults - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for Clear device sticky faults
kMsg_ClearStickyFaults - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Clear device sticky faults
kMsg_ClearStickyFaults - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for clear device sticky faults
kMsg_ColorOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Color frame
kMsg_DigitalOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Digital output frame
kMsg_PartyMode - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for Party mode
kMsg_PartyMode - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Party mode
kMsg_PartyMode - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for party mode
kMsg_PositionOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for Position frame
kMsg_ProximityOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Proximity frame
kMsg_RawPositionOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for Raw position frame
kMsg_ReportSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for setting value report from device
kMsg_ReportSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for setting value report from device
kMsg_ReportSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for setting value report from device
kMsg_SetSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for update setting on device
kMsg_SetSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for update setting on device
kMsg_SetSetting - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for update setting on device
kMsg_SettingCommand - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for setting control command
kMsg_SettingCommand - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for setting control command
kMsg_SettingCommand - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for setting control command
kMsg_Status - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Message index for Status frame
kMsg_Status - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Message index for Status frame
kMsg_Status - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for status frames
kMsg_VelocityOutput - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
Message id for Velocity frame
kOk - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
kOrWithNextSlot - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Logical OR this slot's value with the next slot's value
kPrevClauseTrue - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
previous clause true
kPrevSlotTrue - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
previous slot true
kProximity - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Proximity value
kRed - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Red reading
kSaturation - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Saturation reading
kStg_ColorFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Color frame period (ms)
kStg_ColorIntegrationPeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Color integration period
kStg_Digout1Config - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Digout1 config slot base address
kStg_Digout1ControlConfig - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Digital output 1 control config
kStg_Digout2Config - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Digout2 config slot base address
kStg_Digout2ControlConfig - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Digital output 2 control config
kStg_DigoutFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Digout frame period (ms)
kStg_DisableZeroButton - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Disable the zero button
kStg_FirmwareVersion - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting index for Firmware version
kStg_FirmwareVersion - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Firmware version
kStg_FramePeriodLatencyAdjust - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Enable frame period latency adjustment
kStg_InvertDirection - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Invert direction (use cw instead of ccw)
kStg_LampBrightness - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Lamp LED brightness
kStg_LampEnable - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Lamp LED enable
kStg_PositionFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Position frame period (ms)
kStg_ProximityFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Proximity frame period (ms)
kStg_ProximitySensorConfig - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Proximity sensor IC configuration
kStg_RawPositionFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Raw position frame period (ms)
kStg_RelativePosition - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Relative position value
kStg_SerialNumber - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting index for Serial number
kStg_SerialNumber - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Serial number
kStg_StatusFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting index for Status frame period (ms)
kStg_StatusFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting index for Status frame period (ms)
kStg_StatusFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for status frame period (ms)
kStg_VelocityFramePeriod - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Velocity frame period (ms)
kStg_VelocityWindow - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Velocity window width (value*250us)
kStg_ZeroOffset - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting id for Encoder zero offset
kStgCmd_ClearDigout1 - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting command index for Clear all digout1 slots
kStgCmd_ClearDigout2 - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting command index for Clear all digout2 slots
kStgCmd_FetchSettings - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting command index for Fetch all settings from device
kStgCmd_FetchSettings - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting command index for Fetch all settings from device
kStgCmd_FetchSettings - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting command for Fetch all settings from device
kStgCmd_FetchSettingValue - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting command index for Fetches a single setting from device
kStgCmd_FetchSettingValue - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting command index for Fetches a single setting from device
kStgCmd_FetchSettingValue - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting command for Fetch individual setting
kStgCmd_ResetFactoryDefault - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDeviceDetails
Setting command index for Reset settings to factory default
kStgCmd_ResetFactoryDefault - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorDetails
Setting command index for Reset settings to factory default
kStgCmd_ResetFactoryDefault - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting command for Reset everything to factory default
kStgCmd_ResetFactoryDefaultKeepZero - Static variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.CanandmagDetails
setting command for Factory defaults, but keep the encoder zero offset
kTerminate - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Do not join this slot with the next slot -- rather, terminate the clause here.
kTimeout - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
Operation timeout
kValue - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Value reading
kWhite - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
White reading
kXorWithNextSlot - Enum constant in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Logical XOR this slot's value with the next slot's value


lastMessageTs - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
The last received message timestamp.
LongFrame<T> - Class in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Implements an object-holding Frame backed by a Long.
LongFrame(long, double, T, LongFrame.LongToType<T>) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
Instantiates a new LongFrame.
LongFrame.LongToType<T> - Interface in com.reduxrobotics.frames
Functional interface for a function mapping a double data value to the final frame type.


magnetInRange() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Returns whether the encoder magnet is in range of the sensor or not.
magnetInRange() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns the value of the magnetInRange record component.
magnetOutOfRange() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the magnet out of range flag, which will raise if the measured shaft's magnet is not detected.
maxTimestamp(FrameData<?>[]) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Returns the max timestamp from a tuple of FrameData objects.
maxTimestamp(FrameData<?>[]) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.FrameData
Fetches the maximum CAN timestamp out of an array of FrameData objects
minor() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns the value of the minor record component.
msgMatches(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Checks if a CAN message matches against the device type, product id, and device can id


normallyClosed() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Returns the value of the normallyClosed record component.


offset() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the offset record component.
outOfTemperatureRange() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the temperature range flag, which will raise if the device is not between 0-70 degrees Celsius.
outOfTemperatureRange() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the temperature range flag, which will raise if the encoder is not between 0-70 degrees Celsius.


patch() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns the value of the patch record component.
position - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
internal Frame variable holding current relative position state
powerCycle() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Faults
Returns the power cycle fault flag, which is set to true when the device first boots.
powerCycle() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the power cycle fault flag, which is set to true when the encoder first boots.
preHandleMessage(CanandMessage) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Called before CanandDevice.handleMessage(com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandMessage) gets called to run some common logic.
PrevClauseTrueFor(double, ClauseAction, boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Primary constructor.
PrevSlotTrueFor(double, ClauseAction, boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Primary constructor.
proximity - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
internal Frame variable holding current proximity state


red() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns the value of the red record component.
ReduxJNI - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Java side of the Redux device driver JNI wrapper.
ReduxJNI() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
ReduxJNI.Helper - Class in com.reduxrobotics.canand
Internal use class.
removeCallback(Frame.FrameCallback<T>) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Remove a registered callback by the handle.
removeListener(CanandDevice) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Removes a listener for CAN messages, if it is in fact listening.
resetFactoryDefaults() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Resets the device to factory defaults, waiting up to 500 ms to confirm the settings changes.
resetFactoryDefaults(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Resets the encoder to factory defaults, waiting up to 500 ms to confirm the settings changes.
resetFactoryDefaults(boolean, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Resets the encoder to factory defaults, and then wait for all settings to be broadcasted back.
resetFactoryDefaults(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Resets the Canandcolor to factory defaults.
result() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Returns the value of the result record component.
run() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop


saturation() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns saturation (0-1) in HSV colorspace.
scale() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the scale record component.
sendCANMessage(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandAddress
Sends a CAN message to the CanandAddress.
sendCANMessage(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
Directly sends a CAN message to the device.
sendCANMessage(CANBus, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI
Sends a CAN message.
sendReceiveSettingCommand(byte, double, boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Runs a setting command that may mutate all settings and trigger a response.
sendSettingCommand(byte) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Sends a setting command with no arguments.
setAbsPosition(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets the new absolute position value for the encoder which will persist across reboots with default timeout of 50 ms.
setAbsPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets the new absolute position value for the encoder which will persist across reboots with a specified timeout.
setAbsPosition(double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets the new absolute position value for the encoder which will (by default) persist across reboots.
setColorConfig(Canandcolor.ColorPeriod) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the sampling/integration period for the color sensor.
setColorFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the color frame period in seconds.
setDevicePresenceThreshold(CanandDevice, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Sets the device presence threshold of how many seconds must pass without a message for the device checker to consider them disconnected from bus.
setDevicePresenceWarnings(CanandDevice, boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Set whether to enable device presence warnings to the driver station for a single device (defaults to true).
setDigoutFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the digital output (digout) frame period in seconds.
setDigoutOutputMode(Canandcolor.Digout, DigoutMode) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the output mode of a digital output pad.
setDigoutSlot(Canandcolor.Digout, int, DigoutSlot) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Sets an indexed slot on a Canandcolor digital output with a default 50 ms timeout.
setDigoutSlot(Canandcolor.Digout, int, DigoutSlot, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Sets an indexed slot on a Canandcolor digital output.
setDisableZeroButton(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets whether or not the sensor should disallow zeroing and factory resets from the onboard button.
setEphemeral(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
Sets whether or not the settings will be set as ephemeral -- that is, does not persist on device power cycle.
setExtractOnStaticLoad(boolean) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.ReduxJNI.Helper
Internal use method
setFramePeriodLatencyAdjustment(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets whether or not to transmit frame periods early if data has just been received.
setGlobalDevicePresenceWarnings(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandEventLoop
Set whether to enable device presence warnings to the driver station globally (defaults to true).
setHighGainMode(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets whether to use high gain mode.
setIntegrationPeriod(CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets the proximity sensor integration period config.
setInvertDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Inverts the direction read from the sensor.
setLampLED(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Sets whether or not the onboard lamp LED is to be powered.
setLampLED(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets whether or not the onboard lamp LED is to be powered.
setLampLEDBrightness(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Sets the brightness of the onboard lamp LED.
setLampLEDBrightness(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the brightness of the onboard lamp LED.
setLEDCurrent(CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets the proximity sensor LED currentconfig.
setMultiPulse(CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets the proximity sensor multi-pulse config.
setOffsetCancellationValue(int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets a fixed 12-bit value to subtract from readings to compensate for ambient IR.
setPartyMode(int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Controls "party mode" -- an device identification tool that blinks the onboard LED various colors at a user-specified strobe period.
setPartyMode(int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Controls "party mode" -- an encoder identification tool that blinks the onboard LED various colors at a user-specified strobe period.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets the new relative (multi-turn) position of the encoder to the given value, with a confirmation timeout of 50 ms.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets the new relative (multi-turn) position of the encoder to the given value.
setPositionFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets the position frame period in seconds.
setProximityConfig(CanandcolorProximityConfig) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets fine-tuned settings for the proximity sensor through values in a CanandcolorProximityConfig object.
setProximityFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the proximity frame period in seconds.
setSamplingPeriod(CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets the proximity sensor sampling period config.
setSettingById(int, byte[], int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Directly sends a CAN message to the associated CanandDevice to set a setting by index.
setSettingById(int, long, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Directly sends a CAN message to the associated CanandDevice to set a setting by index.
setSettings(Canandcolor.Settings) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Applies the settings from a Canandcolor.Settings object to the device.
setSettings(Canandcolor.Settings, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Applies the settings from a Canandcolor.Settings object to the device.
setSettings(Canandcolor.Settings, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Applies the settings from a Canandcolor.Settings object to the device, with fine grained control over failure-handling.
setSettings(Canandmag.Settings) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Applies the settings from a Canandmag.Settings object to the Canandmag.
setSettings(Canandmag.Settings, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Applies the settings from a Canandmag.Settings object to the Canandmag.
setSettings(Canandmag.Settings, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Applies the settings from a Canandmag.Settings object to the device, with fine grained control over failure-handling.
setSettings(T, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Applies the settings from a CanandSettings object to the device.
setSettings(T, double, int) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Applies the settings from a CanandSettings object to the device, with fine grained control over failure-handling.
setStatusFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Sets the status frame period in seconds.
setStatusFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets the status frame period in seconds.
setSunlightCancellation(boolean) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig
Sets whether to use sunlight cancellation.
SettingResult(long, CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Creates an instance of a SettingResult record class.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Instantiates a new Canandcolor.Settings object that is "completely blank" -- holding no settings values at all.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Instantiates a new Canandmag.Settings object that is "completely blank" -- holding no settings values at all.
Settings(Canandcolor.Settings) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Settings
Instantiates a new Canandcolor.Settings object that copies its settings from the input instance.
Settings(Canandmag.Settings) - Constructor for class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Instantiates a new Canandmag.Settings object that copies its settings from the input instance.
setVelocityFilterWidth(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets the velocity filter width in milliseconds to sample over.
setVelocityFramePeriod(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets the velocity frame period in seconds.
setZeroOffset(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Settings
Sets the zero offset of the encoder directly, rather than adjusting the zero offset relative to the currently read position.
signExtend(BitSet, int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Sign extends a BitSet to 64 bits by copying the bit from index s-1 to [s..64).
SlotComparison - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Enum corresponding to numerical comparisons digout slots can perform.
SlotOpcode - Enum Class in com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout
Enum corresponding to digout slot opcodes.
src() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns the value of the src record component.
src1() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the src1 record component.
src2() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns the value of the src2 record component.
startFetchSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager
Tells the device to begin transmitting its settings.
startFetchSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
Tells the Canandcolor to begin transmitting its settings; once they are all transmitted (after ~200-300ms), the values can be retrieved from Canandcolor.getSettingsAsync()
startFetchSettings() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Tells the device to begin transmitting its settings.
status - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor
internal Frame variable holding current status value state
status - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
internal Frame variable holding current status value state
Status(Canandcolor.Faults, Canandcolor.Faults, double) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Creates an instance of a Status record class.
Status(Canandmag.Faults, Canandmag.Faults, double, boolean) - Constructor for record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Creates an instance of a Status record class.
stickyFaults() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Returns the value of the stickyFaults record component.
stickyFaults() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns the value of the stickyFaults record component.


temperature() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Returns the value of the temperature record component.
temperature() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns the value of the temperature record component.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Timeout singleton.
timeSec() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Returns the value of the timeSec record component.
timeSec() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Returns the value of the timeSec record component.
toByteArray(byte[]) - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Copies the long-backed value to a byte array.
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Serializes the firmware version record into a wire-formattable Long.
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.Disabled
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
toSettingData() - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode
Serializes the digout config into a value writeable to device settings.
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.Disabled
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
toSettingData() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
toSettingData() - Method in interface com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot
Serializes the digout slot into a value writeable to device settings.
toString() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandDevice
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Status
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DigoutSlot
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.Disabled
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutMode.DutyCycle
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareAffine
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.CompareImmidiate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.Disabled
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevClauseTrueFor
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.DigoutSlot.PrevSlotTrueFor
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Status
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toWpilibColor() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Converts to a WPILib Color object.


underVolt() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag.Faults
Returns the undervolt flag, which will raise if the encoder is experiencing brownout conditions.
update(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Updates the Frame's value, notifying any listeners of new data.
updateData(byte[], double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.ByteArrayFrame
Update the ByteArrayFrame with new byte array data.
updateData(double, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.DoubleFrame
Update the DoubleFrame with new double-backed data.
updateData(long, double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.LongFrame
Update the LongFrame with new long data.


value() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.SettingResult
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns value (0-1) in HSV color space.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Digout
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettings
The backing Map of raw setting indexes to raw setting values (serialized as Long)
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandSettingsManager.ResultCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorPeriod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.DataSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.Digout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.IntegrationPeriod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.LEDCurrent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.MultiPulse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.CanandcolorProximityConfig.SamplingPeriod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.ClauseAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.digout.SlotOpcode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
velocity - Variable in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
internal Frame variable holding current velocity state


waitForFrames(double, Frame<?>...) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.frames.Frame
Waits for all Frames to have transmitted a value.
white() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandcolor.Canandcolor.ColorData
Returns the value of the white record component.
writeFloatToBytes(float, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandUtils
Writes a float to a byte array.


year() - Method in record class com.reduxrobotics.canand.CanandFirmwareVersion
Returns the value of the year record component.


zeroAll() - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets both the current absolute and relative encoder position to 0 -- generally equivalent to pressing the physical zeroing button on the encoder.
zeroAll(double) - Method in class com.reduxrobotics.sensors.canandmag.Canandmag
Sets both the current absolute and relative encoder position to 0 -- generally equivalent to pressing the physical zeroing button on the encoder.
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